My mind has been OVERFLOWING with ideas for Soiree 2011. What should I do different, what should the presents be, decorations, flowers, backdrop, food, layout. My Inspiration Board is complete and many of my important decision have been made. Would you like to see? My original thought was to show you closer to September...when the Soiree is held. Maybe show you in July or August. With all the buzz and views for each Soiree I'm thinking about giving you guys a early sneak peek of my Soiree 2011 Inspiration Board. BUT I think it would be better if we make this a Challenge.
In January we had 459 views, that's great but I want MORE VIEWS. So the challenge for the month of March is to read 700 VIEWS, if we accomplish this goal we will reveal the Inspiration Board for Soiree 2011 on April 2nd 2011.

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