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Jewelry Display
For the longest time I have been looking for a Jewelry box that can contain all of my jewelry. Still I don't have one. My necklaces are always getting tangled together, cant find the match to an earring, you get the picture. So over the weekend I was on You Tube (specifically msvaughn and tonidaley 80) for hair inspiration and got an idea! They have these jewelry display boards on there wall. It was an AHhA moment! Why don't I just pin my Jewelry to the wall!?!
So I looked at all the walls in my room, I have this odd small space in my room that really doesn't get used so I used that wall. WOW I hung up all my jewelery (necklaces, bracelets, earrings), hats, and headbands. WOW it looks nice and now everything can be displayed without any problem. No more necklaces getting tangled up. I'm loving it!
I simply found some push pins/ thumb tacks, put them how I wanted on the wall and hung my stuff up. Later I probably will find some cool picture frames and case them off, but right now I'm just happy to see them displayed.
Winter Hair Care - Deep Conditioning
Have you ever tried mixing your favorite conditioners? Want to give your hair a little treat? Mix your favorite conditioners together fro the best results EVER!
This will allow your hair to receive the benefits off all the conditioners in one setting. Some times we are rough on our hair so we have to give it a little treat. Early in the week I decided to test this out since I have not been as gentle as I usually am to my hair. Here is what I did.
- Cowashed using Vo5 Moisture Milks -
- Detangled with the same Vo5 Moisture Milk
- Applied generous amounts of Burts Bee's Very Volumizing Conditioner and Aussie 3 Minute Miracle deeep conditioner. I ran my fingers through my hair gently but ensured all my hair was covered.
- Covered and secured my hair with a clean trash bag (or a bonnet which ever you use)
- Sat under a hooded dry for 30-45 minutes setting on medium (not sure may have been an hour)
- Washed all conditioner out thoroughly in luke warm water but on the cold side.
Immediately after rinsing I could see my hair smiling back at me. My curls have never ever ever been so defined after a deep conditioning. My hair was shiny, moisturized, defined, and had volume for days! I actually rocked a wash and go. So give it a try and tell me how it works out for you!
Length Check - April 17, 2010
Color is seriously on the brain. I'm contemplating some color that will compliment my complexion. I'm thinking brown, auburn....I really don't know! January is the target date to get color, trim and straighten my hair. This should be interesting :) hopefully I won't change my mind. I have been looking at so many pictures that I in love with BLACK hair again.
I came across a blog that helped me Grow Long Healthy Hair.They have a break down of Dark, Medium and Light skin complexion and which shades whether highlights or a base tone which works for each complexion.
I began to think I should look up celebrities that have the same skin complexion as I do. So I have looked up a few who have used color in a way that I really like. I'm really feeling the colors of Gabrielle Union and Kelly Rowland in these pictures. What do you think?
I came across a blog that helped me Grow Long Healthy Hair.They have a break down of Dark, Medium and Light skin complexion and which shades whether highlights or a base tone which works for each complexion.
I began to think I should look up celebrities that have the same skin complexion as I do. So I have looked up a few who have used color in a way that I really like. I'm really feeling the colors of Gabrielle Union and Kelly Rowland in these pictures. What do you think?
Coming Soon!
(It was Stunning!)
SAMPLES - Pantene Curl Series
What its supposed to go:
Want touchable curls with endless shine?
Show the beauty of your curls with NEW Pantene Pro-V Curly Hair Series. The twists and turns in curly hair can cause the cuticle to lift, exposing the internal structure of curls and leaving them rough and dry. Pantene Pro-V Curly Hair Series includes curly hair products designed to smooth cuticles, leaving curly hair protected from damage and frizz. Find options to smooth, moisturize and define for shiny, bouncy curls that last.So last night I finally tried Pantene Curl Shampoo and Conditioner
My results were nothing to the claims of what this product is "supposed" to do. My hair did not respond at all maybe it has super powers that I simply can not see? I really don't know where to start. The shampoo was very stripping. The only good side would be that you don't need very much of it since it lathers very well. Seeing that I only have the sample size of 1.7 Fl Oz and I used too much...that's a good thing. Though I will not buy this. The conditioner is a...conditioner...just a ordinary conditioner to me. Nothing spectacular. I really don't have anything to say about it other then I'm disappointed and so glad I didn't pay for it.
The ironic this is when I went to the Pantene website and looked at the reviews, WOW! They have a lot of unhappy customers since they changed their "formula".
How to Repot an Orchid
Source Article: Apartmenttherapy
Orchids are either terrestrial or epiphytic. Terrestrial orchids are grown in the grown and are less common than epiphytic orchids. Epiphytic orchids, like the Phalaenopsis for instance, are grown above ground or on another plant but they do not obtain nutrients from the host plant. Most epiphytic orchids have thick roots that serve two functions; not only do the roots anchor the plant to the branch or rock, the roots also readily absorb any available moisture allowing them to survive in periods of drought.
What You Need
Orchid container
Prepackaged potting mix for Orchids
Stake or clip
Sharp sterile razor blade, knife, or scissors
Alcohol (for sterilizing your cutting instrument)
1. How do you know if it's time to repot? Newly potted orchids should be fine in the current plant medium for about two years. When there are many, long roots dangling over the edge of the pot, this is a sure sign that you're well overdue to repot. If your plant has just finished flowering or when new roots appear at the base of the latest growth, this is the perfect time. If your plant is currently in bloom, you should not repot. They should only be repotted after the flowering season is over!2. An example of an orchid that needs repotting, but because it's sending out its flower spike, this orchid will have to wait until the flowering season is over.
3. There are many different types of orchid pots out there to choose from; from thrown clay pots to wood baskets. Choose a container just large enough to contain the plant's root growth with an additional inch of space across the diameter. If your orchid loses many of it's root during trimming (see step #7), it may be better suited in a smaller pot!
4. Two orchids to be repotted with their chosen containers. The orchid on the left is a cattleya, the one on the right is a phalaenopsis. Cattleyas, because they are a type of orchid that tend to have a creeping habit and like to climb out of pots, are perfect for wooden baskets.
5. Before repotting, water the orchid so its roots will be more pliable.
6. Carefully remove the old potting mix from the roots. The roots are fragile so take care to not damage the healthy roots during the process.
7. Trim any dead or damaged roots with a sharp, sterilized razor blade (a sharp knife or scissors can also be used). Be sure to remove all dead roots. They are easy to spot because they are usually dark-colored, soft and mushy. Sometimes they may also be dry, with a fiber running through the middle of the root.
8. Fill the pot with an inch or so of the potting medium. Center the plant into the pot with the roots down. Add additional medium to the pot, spreading it evenly around the root mass, then tamp it gently on a hard surface to distribute the medium. Fill till the pot is full, and tamp again to settle the potting medium (the level of the medium should be just below the bottom set of the lower leaves).
9. Secure the orchid with a stake or clip to keep it from wobbling (masking tape can be used in a pinch). A plant that isn't secure will be hesitant about throwing roots and establishing itself.
10. Place the orchid in the sink and run cool but not cold water over the new medium, avoiding any blooms if there are any (I do not recommend repotting a blooming orchid, but occasionally, this might be the case — a broken pot for instance). Once the water is running out of the bottom, allow it to drain.
11. Since orchids prefer a humid environment, I always place my orchids on a humidity tray. A simple saucer filled with pebbles, filled with water works perfectly — just make sure the pot is sitting above the water so the roots are not subject to rot.
Additional Notes: If you're new to the world of orchids and have a) never owned one or b) never had success growing them, I highly recommend starting out with a Phalaenopsis orchid (because of the shape of the blooms, these are also referred to as Moth orchids). They're an easy variety to grow, with growing conditions fitting most home environments, and many will succeed in lower light situations. They also have
showy flowers that can last up to nine months!
For the complete article go to: Apartmenttherapy
Let's get Booted!
It's getting COLD! Every year I''m in search for new boots. I've found some that I really like. So I'm sharing :)
Headband Deals
So a couple of weeks ago I went shopping. I went into one of my favorite stores Forever 21 and went headband crazy. I had to calm my self down there were so many cute cute cute cute headbands! So this is what I got! By the way I only spent less then $6 for each most were $4.80!
Winter Hair Care - Hats
As I mentioned before Hats are an effective way to protect your hair.
Length Check - Feb 5, 2010
*The only modifications I have made to this NO HEAT is that I may use heat as long as it is indirect heat. Honestly I just want to use the hooded dryer. Especially in the winter, wet hair out doors is a no no.
I wanna be in LOVE with My Products
I'm in search for products I can say I love! I'm in search of saying I don't need to try anything else because I am happy with what I am using.
Having to try "every" product is not it for me. I don't have the time or the money for that. I rather share the products we have amongst ourselves so we know what works for us, individually without having to waste any money. See when I buy a product and it doesn't work, I look at the curls around me and think who would love this product and that's who I give it to. So far 100% of the time it works for them though its didn't work for me. So far no one has given me anything that works. Which is OK. Better to give then to receive. I like the thought that I'm helping a friend in their journey. It also allows me to know what products and or brands simply don't work for me, in turn more money in my pocket.
I'm very excited about my new love 8=D my deeeep conditioner - Aussie Moist 3 Minute I can definitely say without a doubt the results are amazing, hair feels like silk! But that's my personal opinion.
Currently I am looking for
Hair Styles - I would like to really get creative with my hair styles and recreate hair styles I have seen. I say this because I always get to a point where I get bored and want to switch it up. I want t build an archive of hair styles.
Protein Treatment - For some reason in my mind I feel like I need to buy a product to give me protein. When in reality I need to follow my own advice and go right into the kitchen. Eggs, mayonnaise, honey...etc. I do use them occasionally. As you can see I am still debating on this one.
Butter, Souffle or Cream - Yes I have my Shea butter and my hair loves it. BUT!!! I'm not sure if it has been breaking me out or not, so.... Just in case I would like to look for an alternative. Supposedly a butter, cream or something whipped goes very well with my 3c/4a hair texture.
Water Based Leave in Conditioner - I LOVE Knot Today, but its $12. I know how can I be picky about a price when I LOVE the results. I want to love the price and the results. So I'm on the hunt!
* I think that is everything, if not I will post more*
Hair Styles I wish to Improve on
Braid/Twist Out - I know how to do a twist out, but... how can I explain this, I don't know how to wear them without altering them. For example I always twist them into a bantu knot or curl the ends. I never really have a plain old Twist out. This would be because I never like the look of them on my short/medium hair. I keep saying when my hair is longer then maybe I will like it. Or maybe it is simply not the look for me.
Curl Icon - Free - Turning Head with my Hair
So I was watching the 10 year Anniversary of 106 & Park and was like WOW Free is on TV, It's been forever!!! So I searched and found her website http://freesworld.com/
I also came across and article about her hair. So I had to share. Enjoy!
"So here’s the background on my hair: I was born with a head full of it (in more ways than one)! My hair is a mixture of my DNA, strong and stubborn in parts (especially on top of my head) and soft in curly in other spots, which makes me have what hairdressers call an “interesting head.” Here’s the real on my background: African American, Indian, and West Indian.
What does that have to do with my hair? Everything. Because I can wet it and it’ll get curly but as it dries it just rises up to that afro (even when I dont want it to). If I want a straight look for a night (and I mean one night because the humidity will curl it right back up) I use a blow dryer, flat iron and hairspray to keep it down as long as I can but I promise you in the AM my hair will be on its way back to its afro.
Now I am a fan of weaves and wigs, especially in this entertainment business. If you don’t take care of what God gives you, you will have nothing left.
You’ll know how I’m feeling anyday if you look at my hair. Daring, conservative, funky, crazy, soft, sexy, rebel, even the “Pepe Le Pew” looks work for me. You know why? Because it’s just hair, it’s mine, whether it’s all mine or not, and I shall do whatever I feel like with it. Hmmph.
Two honest notes here: ladies that have multicultural children or thick, strong haired children, don’t be afraid to ask about how to take care of your baby’s hair. Don’t just perm it at 2 years old because it’s thick and hard to take care of; save your baby’s hair for their choices. Buy some natural products, keep it conditioned, braided, try twistlocks and more natural styles. (And I’m not a mother so I can’t imagine doing my daughter’s hair every morning…but it’s okay to be different, it really is.)"
- For the entire article go to Free's website -
My Decisions & Goals
Hair Hair Hair...
So I have decided to make some decisions! I'm ready for some bigger better results. I put myself on a NO HEAT Challenge in February for 3 month at a time and I have been very successful. During that period of time I learned how to style my hair in its natural state. What products my hair is liking and which to throw away or giveaway. I want to continue the testing process...BUT not go overboard I don't wanna be a product junkie or waste money. So...I have turned to ordering samples of products. I have received two samples so far Pantene Curl & John Frieda. I will be testing these products soon.
I also have to be careful in the products I use because I have found that though my hair may like the product my face sure does not. So my goal is to find products that my hair AND my skin like.
So I WON'T be spending a crazy amount of money on products I WONT be using products that break me out. I WILL pay attention to all the signs my hair and my skin give me. and I WILL have long beautiful natural hair. 8=) Now goal time!!!!!!
So my goal length is (drum roll please) 10 inches from my shoulder. Let's get to work! So I think in order for me to attain this goal I have to put some rules down for myself.
So I have decided to make some decisions! I'm ready for some bigger better results. I put myself on a NO HEAT Challenge in February for 3 month at a time and I have been very successful. During that period of time I learned how to style my hair in its natural state. What products my hair is liking and which to throw away or giveaway. I want to continue the testing process...BUT not go overboard I don't wanna be a product junkie or waste money. So...I have turned to ordering samples of products. I have received two samples so far Pantene Curl & John Frieda. I will be testing these products soon.
I also have to be careful in the products I use because I have found that though my hair may like the product my face sure does not. So my goal is to find products that my hair AND my skin like.
So I WON'T be spending a crazy amount of money on products I WONT be using products that break me out. I WILL pay attention to all the signs my hair and my skin give me. and I WILL have long beautiful natural hair. 8=) Now goal time!!!!!!
So my goal length is (drum roll please) 10 inches from my shoulder. Let's get to work! So I think in order for me to attain this goal I have to put some rules down for myself.
- I will Track my progress every 4 months with length check
- For 4 months apply NO direct heat: flat irons, blow dryers, curling irons.
- Put in practice what I have already learned.
- Use protective styles / low manipulation
Question of the Week
How often do you Trim your hair?
They say you should trim your hair every 3 months. Is that necessary? Should we trim more often or less often? What do you do? Personally. I am HORRIBLE with this. I really don't have a schedule to trimming. I do and don't think its important. I think my view has been tainted by trims turning into cuts! I hate that.
Jojoba Oil - What can it do for you?
Jojoba oil is one of the more common ingredients in hair care products and with good reason. This natural oil is considered by many to be the most compatible due to its similarity to the scalp’s sebum and its ability to work with all hair types. It has many therapeutic properties including its ability to protect moisture loss, protect hair health and improve the condition of damaged hair.
Jojoba oil is derived from the seeds of a perennial shrub that is found in northwestern Mexico and the southwestern United States. Although it is commonly known as oil, the extract from the jojoba is technically a liquid wax. It is golden in appearance and has a slight nutty odor plus it is hypoallergenic, non-irritating and non-comedogenic. It also contains vitamin E and has antibacterial and antioxidant properties as well.
Generally easy to find, jojoba oil can be purchased in many health food stores and is also commonly available online through a number of different retailers. Let’s look at some of the many uses for jojoba oil and how it can benefit you.
Eye Makeup Remover
Jojoba oil is a great way to remove eye makeup and condition your lashes at the same time. Soak a cotton ball or pad in the oil and wipe it over your eye shadow, liner and mascara. This is remove your eye makeup easily and gently without any fear of irritation.
Cleansing Oil
In addition to removing eye makeup you can also use jojoba oil to remove blush, foundation and lipstick. Simply soak a pad or cotton ball in the oil and wipe them away. Remove the oil completely by wiping after with a damp tissue or washcloth.
Facial Moisturizer
Our skin readily accepts jojoba oil with any threat of breakout or reaction due to its similarities to human sebum. Even if you have oily or combination skin you can feel assured that you will not have any worries because jojoba oil will help to balance the skin’s sebum by moisturizing dry skin and easing oil production in oily skin. You can apply it either by mixing it with your own moisturizer or by sparingly apply it on its own.
Lip Conditioner
If wind and sun have your lips dry and chapped then the solution for you is jojoba oil. A small amount of this applied to your lips is a perfect replacement for chapstick and lip balms that are costly and short lived.
Cuticle Oil
Constant use of your hands can result in dry, worn cuticles that look and feel ugly. Condition them and keep them soft by rubbing a small amount of jojoba oil into them on a regular basis. Your cuticles will never look better.
Hair Conditioner
Adding jojoba oil to your hair routine is a simple process that will provide numerous rewards. Just mix a few drops into your favorite conditioner and apply as usual. When you rinse it out the beneficial properties of the oil will be retained in the hair. You can also put a few drops on your palm and work it through the ends of your hair prior to blow drying for added conditioning. If you hair is looky frizzy or dull then the addition of a small amount of jojoba oil will smooth out the cuticle and make your hair shiny and healthy looking. It has also been said that by massaging some jojoba oil into the scalp that you will promote thick, lustrous hair.
Body OilJojoba oil can be used in a number of different easy to keep your skin hydrated and feeling smooth. Add a few drops to your favorite body lotion, moisturizer or oil and massage it in for a great, non-greasy feel. Hydrate your skin by rubbing it all over your body after you have bathed or showered, the open pores absorb it quickly and leave your skin feeling great. Another great use is to rub it into your legs prior to shaving. This will help to give you a closer, smoother shave and great looking legs that will be noticed.
We have looked at a number of the different uses for jojoba oil and there are many more we have not even touched upon. You also can find it as an additive to many hair and skin care products and can get the same results through their uses. A small amount of jojoba oil used once or twice a week will provide amazing results that will make your friend envious and have them wondering what your secret is.
Author / Source: Jojoba Oil for Hair
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