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My first attempt at braids was successful, to my surprise. The hair I used was very cheap, because I wasn't sure how it would come out. Next time I will get a better grade of hair. The synthetic hair really irritated me and refused to hold a curl or wave when dipped in boiling water. So I resorted to wearing buns most of the time and then dressing them up with my favorite flower, Orchids. I took my braids out on Monday I had to wash my hair. Yes I know you can wash your hair when you have braids but the hair I purchased does not dry very fast and it has been very cold and rainy. I did not want to get sick. Plus I missed my hair. The braids shall return though :) Here are some pictures. I will do a tutorial on braiding. Life has been a little busy. You will see shortly what I have been diligently working on.

Challenge Results

The goal was to reach 700 Views in the month of March. If we reached that goal then the Soiree Inspiration Board of 2011 would be revealed in addition other secret plans. So did we make it?

We reached a Peak of - 638.

So unfortunately we missed hitting the mark by 62 views. :( maybe next time.